Students Notice: Due to the change in our new-look website layout, we have moved students’ access to courses (formerly Your Courses) to the ‘Account‘ button/link in the navigation menu above. Alternatively, click one of the courses below that you have purchased or subscribed to.

Irish Sign Language (ISL) Online Course for beginners. These online courses offer you a flexible and accessible way of learning from the comfort of your own home.


Basic ISL

First step in learning Irish Sign Language (ISL) for three months.
Upon completing this course, you can continu…


ISL Level 2

Learn Irish Sign Language Level 2 online.
ISL Level 2 – Only for those who have completed an ISL Level 1 course…

Online Course Time Extension

Learn Irish Sign Language online on any of the courses above for an extra month.

Should the course expire before you finish it, you can request extra time for additional cost.

Signature level 1, 2 & 3 courses outlined above (only taken with live classes & exams passed), are the equivalent of Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI) level 3, 4 & 5. Quality & Qualifications Ireland

The certificates from the accreditations above are only for exams taken with the ISL tutor.
Contact Us for further details.