Irish Deaf News 82
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Deaf Parenting Newsletter Spring 2011
Welcome to our Deaf Parenting UK Newsletter (Spring 2011) available online from our website In this issue you will find:
Inter Provincial Deaf Sports Championships Results
DSA Inter Provincial Deaf Sports Championship 2011
IDYA Raise Over €12k for Cystic Fibrosis
Last week, (April 14th 2011) members of the Irish Deaf Youth Association presented the Build4life charity for Cystic Fibrosis with a cheque for €10,000. The cheque was presented at Cork University Hospital last week, and will go towards much needed Isolation Units for paediatric care of CF patients.
Deaf children not being diagnosed ‘until it’s too late’
Thursday April 14 2011 Up to 10,000 adults and children are on waiting lists for a hearing test
Mary Hare Grammar School for the Deaf is accused as man is jailed for sex with 12-year-old
A CULTURE of under-age sex involving girls as young as 12 flourished at a top Newbury school – while staff turned a blind eye, a judge said yesterday (Monday).
Census 2011 translated into Irish Sign Language
Census 2011 The Irish Deaf Society and Irish Deaf Youth Association has translated the Census 2011 questionnaire into Irish Sign Language.
An article on Deaf Education – ‘Asking to be heard’
Please download the article on Deaf Education from ‘Country Living’ (15/01/2011) Hearing 1.pdf Hearing 2.pdf