She’s a familiar face from BBC NI where she signs the news for deaf people, but few know her own inspiring story

She has been a familiar face on BBC Northern Ireland News screens for 21 years, but Mary Kyle has managed to keep under the publicity radar throughout her career. Indeed, the majority of viewers would be hard-pressed to name her. Yet, the Omagh-born presenter provides an invaluable service to the 3,500 sign language users who…

‘Paramedics came in the absolute nick of time’ – Mother’s joy after giving birth in car at the side of the road

Caroline Worthington and her husband Jamie are both deaf so they couldn’t follow instructions on the phone. A combined group of paramedics have told how they helped deliver a baby boy in a car at the side of the road this morning after his mother went into early labour. New mother Caroline Worthington and her…

North Kildare ‘fraudulent fundraisers’ pretending to be deaf to get money

People pretending to be members of the The Irish Deaf Society are now travelling around Co Kildare. It is understood that reports of ‘ fraudulent fundraisers’ in Straffan are being reported to The Irish Deaf Society. Speaking to KildareNow, Fundraising Manager, Jeanette Byrne, is advising people that the Irish Deaf Society never fundraises door to…

Job Opportunity with Lámh

Lámh: We are currently advertising for a PROJECT LEADER FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SUPPORTS FOR ADULTS WHO USE LÁMH. This is a 3-Year Contract Post, Part-time (17.5 hours per week). Lámh are seeking a Project Leader to work with adults who use Lámh and their peers and communication partners, to identify and develop supports and resources…