Earlier this month, we have a couple of news –

We have sponsored Emma to Skydive on behalf of a charity called “Deaf Ethiopia Project“! 🙂

Deaf Ethiopia Project works to keep the ALDS (Ambo Deaf School) and continuing to help transform the lives of the Deaf children in Ambo, Ethiopia.

Another happy camper (Gin) with his win from our sponsorship!

If you are seeking a sponorship or donations for your charity or organisation from us – please contact us for more details.

Mind the Gap Films produced Sign Up!, an 8 part Deaf Adult Literacy series, for Dublin Community TV in the Summer of 2008, in cooperation with the Irish Deaf Society. The show was aimed at members of the Irish Deaf community with literacy difficulties and provided general information on topics such as Finding a Job, Saving the Planet, Getting a Mortgage and the Human Body, all through the first language of the Irish Deaf Community, Irish Sign Language (ISL). The show aired on DCTV during the Autumn of 2008.



The Department of Health is recruiting a Non-Executive Chair and a Non-Executive Director to the NI Ambulance Service (NIAS).

This is an exceptional opportunity to share your talents and expertise to make a positive difference to the lives of people in your community. We value and promote diversity and are committed to equality of opportunity for all and appointments made on merit. We believe that the best Boards are those that reflect the communities they serve.

We particularly welcome applications from women, people under 30 years of age, people with disabilities and people from the local ethnic minority communities as these are under-represented in Chair and Non-Executive roles.

Download: www.health-ni.gov.uk/publications/nias-116-northern-ireland-ambulance-service-chair-1-non-executive-director

We are currently (and have been) funding the registered charities which are:

To enquiry about fundraising or sponsorship, please contact us



Houses of the Oireachtas: Watch the debate on the Recognition of Irish #SignLanguage for the Deaf Community Bill 2016 in the Seanad – the bill was debated on the 19 October 2016 #seeforyourself #ISL Irish Deaf Society

To read the #Seanad debate click here: http://bit.ly/2eZ7WRW

You can also watch all Seanad Playbacks here: http://www.oireachtas.ie/viewdoc.asp?DocID=33766&&CatID=129

Relief Panel of Travel Escorts (Part-time) required for Holy Family School for the Deaf and Boarding Campus on various routes nationally which include but are not limited to:

1. Laois – Dublin, Longford/Kinnegad – Dublin, Ashbourne – Dublin, Wicklow – Dublin, Dublin city and county.
Travel days Monday to Friday inclusive working to school term.

2. Donegal – Dublin, Galway – Dublin, Cork – Dublin, Tralee – Dublin
Travel days normally Sundays and Fridays on public transport working to school term.

Read more »

idc-donation-report-2004-2016We have now finally assembled a report of what Irish Deaf.com has donated to various deaf organisations (as well as for other charities) over the years from 2004 to 2016 this year, with the money coming from our bag-packing fund-raising.  The report contains 42 pages of chart, bar and pie graphs for the organisations with the figure we have donated to each organisation per year.

Please download the report: irish-deaf-com-donation-report-for-2004-2016.pdf

The Citizens Information Board (CIB) are carrying out a study to see if there are ways to improve access to public and social services and related information for members of the Deaf Community. Consultants Tom Martin & Associates have launched this online questionnaire to collect the views and experiences of ISL users on this critical issue. See link to survey below.

We would strongly urge you to respond to this very important survey to ensure that your voice is heard to improve your access to public and social services.
