We have reviewed the postal rates and am pleased that we have now reduced these. This now means that the total cost of your orders will now be lower.

For the popular orders of hearing aid batteries, these will now cost below €2 a pack – this includes postage and packaging!

Shop and save with us!


Thanks to the generous support of public and corporate donations, Threshold, a national housing charity, is now able to provide its vital services to the Deaf Community via the Irish Remote Interpreting Service (IRIS).  

Since its foundation 40 years ago, Threshold has helped in the region of half a million people with a diverse range of housing problems including discrimination in terms of access to rented accommodation, illegal evictions, illegal rent increases and poor living conditions. Threshold can make a difference by providing advocacy, advice, Residential Tenancy Board representation and a Tenancy Protection Service. Figures reveal that Threshold has helped an average of 364 households a month to remain in their homes last year. It must be remembered that these are not just statistics, these are real people – men, women and children with lives, and hopes, and dreams.

To avail of Threshold’s services simply email: [email protected] and one of their trained liaison officer can arrange an appointment.


I’m doing a PhD at UCL Institute of Education looking at how sign language interpreting support is provided to Deaf students studying at university, and the experiences of Deaf students and interpreters.

The results I’m sharing here are the first part of my study. We all know Deaf students often have a lot of difficulties at university and our research project is looking at their sign language interpreting support.

There’s currently very little information about how interpreting support is provided and how Deaf students feel about their interpreting support. Therefore, the first part of this project was an information-gathering activity and we want to share some of the initial results.

Much of what we’ve found probably won’t surprise you, but we needed to collect the evidence to then move forward.

Further read at: http://www.unapeda.asso.fr/article.php3?id_article=3067

We are publishing a Guide to Northern Ireland Charities.The feature will hopefully allow some of the lesser known charities to inform our readers about the services they offer, who to contact for assistance and what makes their charity different from all the others.

The feature will be in the  main magazine and we are offering a full page  @ £300 (Normal rate card would be £1500)

This will be made up by a half page advertisement and a half page editorial. I am hoping you will decide to get involved.

Ulster Tatler is the only monthly glossy magazine in Northern Ireland that’s registered with the Audited Bureau of Circulations readership 256,000 and it will offer you the ideal platform within which to promote your plans for 2019.

Visit www.ulstertatler.com

A deaf woman has applied for 1,000 jobs in 18 months – and not landed a single one.

Kellie Wilson, from Middleton Tyas, North Yorkshire, believes she is being snubbed by would-be employers because of her disability.

Every job application she has made since the summer of 2017 has resulted in a series of rejections.

Now, she is so desperate that she is contemplating cochlear implants knowing that they may not even work.

Now, she is so desperate that she is contemplating cochlear implants knowing that they may not even work.

Further read at: www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/deaf-woman-applies-1000-jobs-13985129

IDS update – IDS still at risk of closure. Still no news for the funding. IDS will meet Govt on Monday to discuss. We still need your support by sending us letter of support by email at [email protected] or U can send us your ISL video to our Advocacy phone 0864401443 to say why you want to keep IDS Advocacy and Education Services open, why you like to use our service etc. We would be appreciated if you could send us letters or ISL videos by today and tomorrow as soon as possible. Thank you for your support #SaveIDS
