Fighting Blindness

Hearing and Sight Loss Peer Support Group
Might our hearing and sight loss support group be of interest to you?
Our peer support group aims to be a place where people who are experiencing a dual diagnosis of hearing and sight loss can come and give and receive support. You may have knowledge that can be shared with others in relation to what works for you with daily tasks, what sort of aids you might use for example headphones, speakers, and hearing accessories.
We hope that this group can be a safe space for people to share their thoughts and feelings around the area of anxiety and grief over losing their hearing and adapting to hearing aids. We look at this issue alongside your experiences of sight loss and the issues that come from that, such as the effects on mobility with a dog or cane and side effects like vertigo.
This group will take place on the second Monday of the month from 7-8:30 pm. Starting date to be confirmed.
Time: TBC, starting in spring 2024
Venue: Online via Zoom
How to get involved
If you think this may be of interest to you or someone you know, please contact us on
01 674 6496 or email [email protected].
We’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about the group, and it will also give us the chance to get a sense of your support needs and what kind of service you feel would be helpful. Please note that this is not formal group therapy.

Scan here to directly access the Support section of our website:
The group is for people over the age of 18.
You can find more information on our website:
Download the poster below: