Question about accessibility survey

Hello, colleagues of Irish deaf,

I’m Álvaro De Ramón Murillo, from the accessible tourism NGO Native. We have been one of the 6 projects promoted by the United Nations (UN) and its One Planet Sustainable Tourism Program. We are conducting our search for information on how people with minor hearing loss, severe hearing loss or total hearing loss would like to travel.

That is why we ask you to disseminate to your members this brief survey we have done to help improve the response and solutions for a more adequate stay for the elderly or with some type of limitation when traveling around the world.

I leave the link to the annual magazine of the World Tourism Organization (United Nations) that dedicates the photo of the cover and page 38.

The link to the survey is the following:

Thank you very much in advance and we keep in touch.


Alvaro de Ramón Murillo
Chief Design Officer
(+34) 658 792 665
(+1) 209 676 4906
Skype: alvaroderamonmurillo
Instagram: @alvaroderamonmurillo
Copyright © 2018 Native Hotels, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Native Hotels
Toronga, 27, 6D
Madrid, Madrid 28043

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