‘Paramedics came in the absolute nick of time’ – Mother’s joy after giving birth in car at the side of the road

Caroline Worthington and her husband Jamie are both deaf so they couldn’t follow instructions on the phone.

A combined group of paramedics have told how they helped deliver a baby boy in a car at the side of the road this morning after his mother went into early labour.

New mother Caroline Worthington and her husband Jamie were making their way from their home in Rush, North Dublin to the Rotunda hospital in the North Inner city when she realised she wasn’t going to make it.

Further read at: http://www.independent.ie/irish-news/news/paramedics-came-in-the-absolute-nick-of-time-mothers-joy-after-giving-birth-in-car-at-the-side-of-the-road-36105688.html

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