Ethiopia Deaf Project: Electric Aid

Electric AidEthiopia DeafProject: Recently Ethiopia Deaf Project were successful in an application to Electric Aid for assistance in building an additional classroom (Grade 8) onto the ALDS. We were awarded €7,000. We are more than grateful to Electric Aid for this generous contribution. The balance of the money €7,300 came from the Ethiopia Deaf Project (Total: €14,300).

Ethiopia DeafProjectAttached is a photo of the foundation work which is progressing well. Its essential we get this complete asap as the rainy season is on the way! The rain over the past couple of days in Ireland was like a light shower in comparison to the rain that will fall in Ambo over the months of July and August! Hopefully the classroom will be ready to welcome students in September…..

Thanks again for all YOUR support in helping the Ethiopia Deaf Project complete this particular project.

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