Hanen “It Takes Two To Talk” programme

Hanen “It Takes Two To Talk” programme

Deaf Education Centre: The Hanen “It Takes Two To Talk” programme is currently being run for parents of children who are deaf/hard of hearing in the Deaf Education Centre. This is an 8 week parents programme and the aim will be to increase children’s speech, language and communication in the home and through everyday routines. Areas that are focused on are the stages of language development, the importance of parents interaction, increasing language through play, books, music and everyday routines.

The facilitators of the course are Deirdre Cunningham, the speech and language therapist working with deaf/hard of hearing children in Dublin North West and Mary O’Malley, speech and language therapist (PCCC Dublin North West). We are fully certified and trained in Hanen and have experience with working with deaf/ hard of hearing children.


The family group is a great way to learn more about your child’s communication, get advice and tips on how to help their language at home and it is also nice to get support and advice from other families. If you would like any more information on this programme or would like to attend the next course, you may contact Deirdre on [email protected]

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