UCC Research into Deaf Victims’ Experiences

A research project entitled ‘Exploring the Experiences of Deaf Victims in the Spaces and Processes of the Irish Criminal Justice System’ is being carried out by Gill Harold at UCC.

Funded by an Irish Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship, the two-year research project began in October 2013 and is being conducted at the Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights in the Faculty of Law at UCC.

The aim of the research is to find out about Deaf people’s experiences when they experience a crime. The project is especially interested in Deaf victims’ access to criminal justice agencies (e.g. Gardaí and the courts) and access to victim support organisations.

For the research, Gill would like to meet with members of the Irish Deaf community from different parts of the country who would like to share their experiences. It is hoped that by collecting this important information, the research will be able to identify specific areas where Deaf people would like to see improved access, and to share these findings with service providers and policy makers. If you would like to learn more about the research and to find out how you can participate, please contact Gill by email at [email protected].

For anybody interested in participating in an interview with Gill, pleased note that ISL interpretation will be provided, and participants’ confidentiality will always be respected.

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