Irish 2003-2013 – Our Logo Competition

idclogocompetitionShane Byrne (middle) with his winning entry of Irish’s logo competition, with Stephen Gilligan, Manager (left) and Brian Connolly, Assistant Manager (right)

Last April, Irish ran a logo competition. We received many entries which were difficult to judge, due to the high standard of the artwork by all artists.

The logo competition is one activity associated with a number of changes currently happening at Irish to coincide with our 10th anniversary, when Irish has grown so much in the past ten years, when we started off as just an online directory . We feel there is a need to change with the times, especially with the opening of the new Deaf Village.

idclogo2013The winning logo was designed by Shane Byrne, who currently works at Deaf Village Ireland. We are pleased to have chosen his entry as it reflects the ethos of Irish With this new logo, our next step is to revamp the website and online shop to accommodate the logo.

Other changes which are happening during our 10th anniversary year will be shown on our website Please check our website and also join our Facebook and Twitter accounts at and

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