Kevin Mulqueen – Deaf Business

Dear Mr. Kevin Mulqueen,

We are writing on behalf of our committee. We are aware of Deaf business owners and professional organizations that operate successfully in Ireland.

BCED company deaf and visitors would like to meet the Irish group of deaf business and professionals in Orlando and San Diego United States this year.

There is a rapidly growing number of deaf professionals and entrepreneurs who never let their deafness prevent them from pursuingtheir dreams. They not only desire but also the knowledge, skills and experience they need to prosper in today’s economy. Each participantcomes from diverse backgrounds in business, education, marketing,science, sales, technology, hospitality, food, finance and many other areas.

Please kindly share the information with your Deaf and Hard of Hearing community.

Please kindly let us know how we work on this project.

You are invited to visit our website and participate our corporate events:

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Thank you for your valuable time.


Vladimir Kotenev


Business Convention and Expo of the Deaf
June 20-24, 2012
Orlando, FL

Business Boot Camp and Expo
October 25-27, 2012
San Diego, CA

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