Entrepreneurs with Disability Survey

DIT, in conjunction with disABILITY.ie, is undertaking research examining people with disabilities in self-employment. The objective of this survey is to gather information on the self-employment experience of persons with disabilities, including the motivations, benefits and barriers to self-employment.

This is a critical study because research of this nature has never previously been conducted in the Irish employment context. In surveying established and aspiring entrepreneurs this research will gain greater insight to the nature of self-employment for people with disabilities, which not only has wider policy implications but can also assist in the development of business training programmes designed specifically for persons with disabilities. Encouraging and supporting the correct respondents to participate in any research is always difficult, and over the next month we will be trying to encourage both aspiring and established entrepreneurs with disabilities to part.

The online survey can be found at http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/3S7J5M6

Survey for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities – Flyer.docx

Survey for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities – Flyer.pdf

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