Meeting To Start Fighting Against The Cuts In Special Needs Education

What Meeting to start fighting against the cuts in special needs education
When Wednesday 15th June at 16:30
Where The Temple Bar Hotel, Fleet Street, Dublin 2

Do you think that people with special educational needs should not have their service cut?
Do you have special educational requirements?
Do you have a child who has special educational requirements?
Are you a teacher?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you would benefit from coming to The Temple Bar Hotel, Fleet Street, Dublin 2 on Thursday 15th June at 16:30.

Richard Boyd Barrett TD will facilitate a meeting which will bring together people with disabilities, their teachers, and family members who will discuss ways of halting and reversing the cuts in these services.

If you would like to attend, please contact me
Email [email protected]
Mobile: +353(0)86 781 4520
Tel +353 (0)1 61 83 44 9

So that everyone can participate in the meeting, please advise me if you have any of these needs.

Wheelchair access
Material provided in Large print, Brail, Electronically
Sign language interpreter
Loop for hearing aid users
Personal Assistance
Another requirement not listed here

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