IDYA’s Website – Launch

Hi everyone,

You are all welcome to come along to the IDYA Website Launch on Tuesday 31st May at 8pm where we will have a special guest opening the celebrations of our 25 Years Anniversary.

There will be wine and snacks plus a chance to buy a ticket for the ball on the night for a discount price of €40!

Usual price is €55, so make sure you get your ticket!

**NOTE*** – The 25 Years Anniversary is open to all past, present and new members of the IDYA.

You do not have to be aged 18-35 to go to the Ball, all ages are welcome, provided they are over 18.

Thanks, IDYA.

Irish Deaf Youth Association
30 Blessingtion Street, Dublin 7.
T: 01 860 1878 F: 01 860 1960
Mob: +35385 1984166
E: [email protected]

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