Deaf Parenting Newsletter Spring 2011

Welcome to our Deaf Parenting UK Newsletter (Spring 2011) available online from our website

In this issue you will find:

  • Plans to celebrate 10 wonderful years of Deaf Parenting UK with an Awards Ceremony in October
  • News of some very exciting family trips to Legoland and Thorpe Park
  • Information on the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games
  • Guidance for schools, teachers and support staff on developing strong, successful relationships with Deaf parents
  • News of how baby monitors can be a real help to Deaf Parents
  • Information on Family Week, CODA International Conference and some BSL Interpreted and Lipspeaking guided tours at Windsor Castle



All links are accessible from our newsletter, but our glossary of websites and email addresses referred to in the newsletter provides quick access to important resources:


Don’t forget the deadline for submissions for the next newsletter is 3rd June 2011.

We look forward to hearing from you and wishing you all a wonderful Easter.


Asif Iqbal

Media/Project Manager

Make your nomination for our Deaf Parenting UK Awards 2011 on our website:

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