IDS competition

Irish Deaf Society COMPETITION.

We have an €80.00 Marks and Spencer voucher to give away when we have hit 1000 members on Facebook

Encourage your friends and family to sign up. Everyone who joins up will be entered into competition. (Voucher only for those living in Ireland or UK)

Have a look at the friends list on the left –

Under the pictures, you can click “suggest friends” – Why not encourage your friends to join IDS and maybe you might win an €80 voucher!

Susan Whelan

Deaf Adult Literacy Service/

Irish Sign Language Academy

Irish Deaf Society

30 Blessington Street, Dublin 7

email: [email protected]

Fax: 003531 8601960 / Tel:  003531 8301485

TEXT ONLY: 0852841884 – please state your name


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