More information on the Swine Flu (Youtube)

Please click here for information on the Swine Flu Vaccine.

Information is translated into Irish Sign Language by Eddie Redmond of the Irish Deaf Society

If you have any concerns about Swine Flu Vaccine, we have the following information:

1.      What is Swine Flu Vaccine?

2.      Who will get the Swine Flu vaccine first?

3.      Who is the most at risk from the Swine Flu?

4.      How does the Swine Flu vaccine work?

5.      How safe is the Swine Flu vaccine?

6.      Is it safe for pregnant women to be vaccinated?

7.      Is there anyone who cannot get the vaccine?

8.      How long does it take for the vaccine to work?

9.      What are the side effects of vaccination?

10.  What if I don’t feel well after the vaccination?

11.  Do I have to pay for the vaccine?

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