IDS statement on the Ryan Report

IDS Statement following the Publication of the Ryan Commission Report

The Ryan Report was published this week, which has detailed horrific examples of the abuse carried out against children in the state run schools. Many Deaf people suffered at the hands of the abusers. The IDS has expressed its disappointment with the reports and the subsequent reaction to them, especially, feeble apologies, lack of accountability of policymakers and prosecutions of the abusers.

Nevertheless, the reports do recognise the failures of the institutions to provide the best possible education for Deaf children in the past. At least, this is acknowledged in the official report. As well, the IDS note that the lack of fluency in ISL among the staff in these institutions is acknowledged in the report. This is a well known fact for many years.

Having stated that, however, IDS has to move on from there and ensure the whole episode not be repeated again in the future, and it intends to ensure that fluency in ISL is a priority in the prevention of such a repeat.

On a personal level, if you have been affected in any way by this report, we can offer free independent help. Please contact the IDS at [email protected] for advice.


Yvonne Carolan
Irish Deaf News Editor/Advocacy Services
Irish Deaf Society
30 Blessington Street
Dublin 7

Tel: 01 860 1987
Fax: 01 860 1986
Minicom: 01 860 1910

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