exam050913liamcunneenSix-year-old Liam Cunneen, a deaf schoolboy from Co Cork, is still receiving only one hour of education a day due to an apparent shortage of special needs resources in his school.

As reported in the Irish Examiner in September, Liam, a student of St Columba’s National School in Douglas, has been on a restricted school day since April.

Having been moved from the deaf unit to the mainstream part of the school because of an improvement in his speech, Liam now needs a full-time special needs assistant (SNA).

Source: http://www.irishexaminer.com/archives/2013/1111/ireland/aposmy-deaf-childaposs-school-is-denying-him-an-snaapos-249135.html

Tipperary man Noel O’Connell has become the second deaf person in Ireland to be awarded with a doctorate.

A graduate of Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Dr O’Connell chose deaf education for his study of deaf people’s experience of education and culture.

Dr O’Connell believes many deaf people come up against barriers to education because teachers use a language that is inaccessible to them.

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Maggie Owens is one of those teachers fizzing with ideas, the kind that carries everyone else along with her enthusiasm, the type who shakes things up.

Wearing a bright purple dress and leopard-print heels, she is organising students at St Mary’s School for Deaf Girls in Dublin into different groups for their first No Pens Day, which took place earlier this week.

Source: http://www.irishtimes.com/news/education/a-hands-free-approach-to-teaching-1.1558083

The Irish Deaf Society is DELIGHTED to announce that the Seanad passed a motion this evening (Wed 9th October) unanimously calling on the government to recognise Irish Sign Language. Members of the Irish Deaf Society and Irish Sign Language Recognition Group attended the hearing. This is another step on the ladder towards ISL recognition – and we cannot do this without you! Please continue to support us!