Deaf Sport Ireland: The Irish Women’s Futsal Team are training hard for the 4th European Deaf Futsal Championships this November and are seeking sponsorship to hep to raise funds to cover the expenses of the trip.

If you are interested in making a donation, please follow the link below. Any amount would be gratefully received by the players:


Three Limerick men returned to Shannon Airport at the weekend to heroes’ welcomes after they raised enough money in their 16,000km rally on motorcycle from London to Mongolia to keep a local pre-school for the deaf open next year.

Brothers Kevin (29) and Aran (28) Power from Ballybrown and their brother-in-law Stephen Allen (31) from Pallaskenry said they felt like they had been to a different planet and back after a trip that literally had it all.

Further read at:

201408282041321_smIrish Deaf Women’s Group are delighted to announce that the Women’s Aid Voluntary group have set up a ISL video vlog outlining access of support.

It’s important to outline this for the deaf community, that they are made aware via your organisation of the Women’s Aid Text service, as well as the support service that is available for all deaf women.

Please click on the link below:


Subtitles available for Deaf and Hard of Hearing, click the ‘CC’ button above.

On a windy morning, we went for a cycle with Amanda to Bull Island. We talked about how she grew up as a child of deaf parents, how sign language ultimately influeunced her choice to become a performance artist, and where she finds inspiration for her work.

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Irish Deaf Society: We are disappointed to announce that HANDS ON will not continue this year (2014). This is disappointing news and means less Irish Sign Language will be on Irish TV.

RTE has decided to cut this programme after 18 years and try out some new ideas. We have been told that they are giving the programme a break for one year to try new ideas.

RTE is planning to advertise soon to make a new programme to be shown in 2015 (open to all production companies)

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Wow! The summer has flown by and now it is almost time for back to school preparations! If you are looking for information on the Visiting Teacher Service for Deaf/Hard of Hearing children you can find details on our website by following this link:

You can also find detailed information at the Department of Education’s website,

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