idc-donation-report-2004-2016We have now finally assembled a report of what Irish has donated to various deaf organisations (as well as for other charities) over the years from 2004 to 2016 this year, with the money coming from our bag-packing fund-raising.  The report contains 42 pages of chart, bar and pie graphs for the organisations with the figure we have donated to each organisation per year.

Please download the report: irish-deaf-com-donation-report-for-2004-2016.pdf

The Citizens Information Board (CIB) are carrying out a study to see if there are ways to improve access to public and social services and related information for members of the Deaf Community. Consultants Tom Martin & Associates have launched this online questionnaire to collect the views and experiences of ISL users on this critical issue. See link to survey below.

We would strongly urge you to respond to this very important survey to ensure that your voice is heard to improve your access to public and social services.

signfbookAt Firefly Music Festival in June, while thousands of fans watched Of Monsters and Men perform a daytime set, a few people were focused on the skinny blond man in the front corner of the stage. He was interpreting the songs in American Sign Language for deaf festivalgoers. He translated the lyrics, “We crawl, we crawl on the ground,” from “Six Weeks,” with a snarling facial expression and slow, desperate clawing motions with his arms.

Further read at:

We are raising funds for to give out to our deaf charities. We are happy to help out our Deaf charities.
We are raising funds for to give out to our deaf charities. We are happy to help out our Deaf charities.
We are working with Tesco on behalf of Temple Street children hospital to raise funds for Temple Street. We are very happy to be working with them.
We are working with Tesco on behalf of Temple Street children hospital to raise funds for Temple Street. We are very happy to be working with them.
We are working on raising funds for Action Deaf Youth. Our partnership has grown greatly. We are very honoured to work with them.
We are working on raising funds for Action Deaf Youth. Our partnership has grown greatly. We are very honoured to work with them.
Action Deaf Youth
Action Deaf Youth

The purpose of this consultation is to ensure that people who rely on Communication Support Services have opportunities to influence the development of the service regionally and express their views on a regional service model which offers a balance of face to face interpreting and, where appropriate, non face to face interpreting.

During the consultation period, the HSCB is seeking the views of people who are deaf or hard of hearing, their families, carers, staff, voluntary organisations and the general public. In addition to this a series of meetings, designed to engage directly with members of the deaf and hard of hearing community, has been organised and facilitated by BDA Northern Ireland.

Further details with ISL & BSL videos:

Fianna Fáil Senator Mark Daly says legislation introduced by Fianna Fáil in the Seanad and published today will assist members of the deaf community by giving Irish Sign Language full and proper recognition.

The ‘Recognition of Irish Sign Language for the Deaf Community Bill’ will empower the deaf community by placing sign language on a statutory basis.

Senator Daly commented, “This legislation will ensure Irish Sign Language is designated as a native and independent language. It recognises that the language is used as the primary means of communication by over 5,000 members of the deaf community in Ireland.

Further read & video at:

My name is Caitríona O’ Brien. I’m an Irish student doing a Masters at Oxford. My research looks at language, culture and identity of hearing children who were raised by one or more d/Deaf parents.

I am looking for adult CODAs (18+) who are willing to take part in my research by meeting with me (in person or using Skype) to fill out a questionnaire.


Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with any questions about this research.

Tag Rugby

Deaf Sport Ireland: Would you be interested in playing Deaf TAG Rugby?

DSI are hoping to set up a team and want to know how many people (men & women) would be interested.

The suggestion is for a weekly training session on Wednesdays at 7pm in Deaf Village Ireland, with the aim of competing in the future and also having a lot of fun.

If you are interested, please text: 083-458 8004 or email: [email protected]

The invention of cochlear implants and other technologies have given many deaf and hard-of-hearing adults and children the option to hear. What, then, becomes of sign language?

When the world gets too loud—because of fireworks, or just to take a quiet break on the weekends—8-year-old Sophie knows what to do.

“When it’s really loud, I just take the magnet off,” she says.