Irish Deaf News 93
Irish Deaf News covering the following:
Irish Deaf News covering the following:
Hands On has recently been contacted by Frank Ward & Co Solicitors ( to make us aware that the Minister for Education And Skills recently announced that the Redress Board will close on September 17th 2011.
About two years ago I decided to put a simple mobile phone in our dispatch office so that my mother, who is almost deaf, could book a taxi. She loved the idea; it gave her a new lease on life. She was telling her hearing friends about it and before I knew it we were… RTÉ and Met Éireann are delighted to announce a new service for the deaf community. The first weekly weather forecast in ISL (Irish Sign Language) will be broadcast this Sunday, 17th July, at 5.45pm on RTÉ One. Direct link:!v=1105115
The IDS would like to share this video with you explaining the reasons why we oppose one the suggested names for the new Deaf Village