Irish Deaf News 125
1. Sean Quinn Family Scandal
1. Sean Quinn Family Scandal
Eddie Redmond signed about this week news
Deaf Sports Ireland Sweepstakes Results: 1st Prize (Spain) Joseph Watson €70.00 Speech by President Higgins at recent NUIG international summer school in Galway, interpreted in International Signs. Unfortunately, no ISL interpreters on the video, though they were at present. Some of you may be able to follow international signs… Kevin
Please click – More Video about EDSO Congress
Eddie REdmond signed about the following news:
My name is Íde O’ Sullivan and I am an Irish student. I am currently completing my Masters Degree in the area of music education for people with special needs at the University of Roehampton, London.
Hands On received this request looking for Deaf people take part in a survey, see below: