New Online ISL Course

New Online ISL Course

We have launched our Irish Sign Language Online Course! It is an online ISL course page where you can enrol and learn the Basic ISL, ISL Level 1 Continuing, ISL Level 2 or Basic ISL for the Kids.  It is a great way of starting your first sign language lesson right in front of you!…

Sign of the Times: RTE’s Caroline Worthington

When Caroline Worthington was a child, she lost her hearing, she tells Joy Orpen. Despite the challenges, she leads a full life, while the icing on the cake, apart from her upcoming nuptials, is signing the weather on RTE See more at:

Women’s Aid launched a series of Irish Sign Language (ISL) videos

Intro from Women’s Aid Ireland on Vimeo. Women’s Aid, in conjunction with the Irish Deaf Women’s Group, have launched a series of Irish Sign Language (ISL) videos which feature all of the information that is available on our website – In addition, Women’s Aid have launched wallet sized cards promoting our text Service for…