ISL Survey

Irish Deaf Society: Have you filled in the ISL Survey? We need more people to fill it in. If you ever use Irish Sign Language (Does not matter if you are Deaf, HOH, Deafened, CODA or Hearing) — we want EVERYONE who uses ISL to fill this survey in!

112 SMS Service

The 112 SMS service lets deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired people in the Republic of Ireland send an SMS text message* to the Emergency Call Answering Service (ECAS) where it will be passed to An Garda Síochána, the Ambulance service, the Fire service, or the Irish Coastguard. The ECAS operator will act as a…

Deaf Women’s Leadership Seminar completed

Well done to Sinead and Gaye for completing the course! We at are pleased to have supported Irish Deaf Women’s Group with this important project. Irish Deaf Women’s Group are hugely grateful to for their kind donation and supports to send IDWG board members Gaye Regan and Sinead Winters-Smith to Gallaudet University, Washington…