Deaf Village Ireland Newsletter – Issue 5
DVI newsletter Issue 5 is out now, click the link below to read
DVI newsletter Issue 5 is out now, click the link below to read
We are looking for 4x pushers to help with the Brighter Futures – Giant Hat/Pot of Gold float on Parade Day. Are you interested to take part and willing to commit on parade day? (make sure if you’re free on this day). Email to for more information…
Titanic Belfast: The exhibit makes for a great day out and is suitable for all ages. We have welcomed groups from across Ireland and the feedback has been very positive. Not only have you the exhibit but the Slipways is situated to the back of the building, this is where the famous ship was built…
BDA Northern Ireland have had the opportunity to work with the Public Health Agency to create film clips describing both the Breast Screening process and Cervical Cancer Screening. Information has been produced in both BSL and ISL, along with subtitles making it easily accessible for all. It is important this information is shared with women….
Irish Deaf Channel Swimmers won the Sheena Patterson Spirit of the Year Award at ILDSA (Irish Long Distance Swimming Association) Leinster in Bray on Saturday, 31st January 2015. IDWG Chairperson Gaye Regan and Board Member Mary Nolan attended the ILDSA Awards Dinner Evening to share celebrate with the swimmers for received the award. Congratulations to…
There are moments in life that can change you forever. That moment for me happened in July 1987 at the World Federation of the Deaf Congress in Helsinki, Finland. A small little man approached me in the middle of thousands of Deaf and hearing people from all over the world and said “You come from…
We wish to thank Tesco Ireland and other supermarkets for supporting our bagpacking and charity fundraising in 2014. Despite 2014 being a difficult year compared to 2013, due to reduced bagpacking bookings; however, we have been able to continue to offer this service. We are delighted to offer support to charities in the Deaf community….
Irish broadcasters may be invited to learn about subtitling live events such as news programmes from their UK counterparts following complaints from viewers who are deaf and hard of hearing. A review of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland’s access rules has found that broadcasters are broadly compliant with the regulations governing access to programming for…