Deaf TAG Rugby

Deaf Sport Ireland: Would you be interested in playing Deaf TAG Rugby? DSI are hoping to set up a team and want to know how many people (men & women) would be interested. The suggestion is for a weekly training session on Wednesdays at 7pm in Deaf Village Ireland, with the aim of competing in…

To sign or not to sign? That’s the question facing deaf children

The invention of cochlear implants and other technologies have given many deaf and hard-of-hearing adults and children the option to hear. What, then, becomes of sign language? When the world gets too loud—because of fireworks, or just to take a quiet break on the weekends—8-year-old Sophie knows what to do. “When it’s really loud, I…

The Limping Chicken – Anonymous: I wasn’t given an interpreter when my mum died, and then I was excluded from funeral arrangements

I always overcome communication barriers by using BSL interpreters and communication assistants (for translating between languages at a fluent level). My family, who live in Europe, communicate with me by fingerspelling or using basic vocabulary signs and written language. Consequently, they lack the ability to convey information at a fluent level and I miss out…

Irish Sign Language (ISL) information & Sign Language Interpreting Access (Dept. of Social Protection)

The Dept. of Social Protection (DSP) access for Irish Sign Language (ISL) users. INFORMATION IN IRISH SIGN LANGUAGE (ISL) Information in Irish Sign Language (ISL) about the DSP can be viewed at: SIGN LANGUAGE INTEPRETING ACCESS WITH DSP. Sign Language Interpreting access can be provided for customers meeting with staff.–Interpretive-and-Sign-Language%C2%A0Services.aspx CUSTOMER CHARTER ACTION…

Signs of life: how deaf theatre can reinvigorate the spoken word

Fourteen years ago I went to Exeter to see Jenny Sealey’s signed staging of The Changeling. I still recall the scene between Beatrice and De Flores when the appalled realisation dawns on both of them that they have misunderstood the other’s intention: she suddenly understands that he doesn’t want her money but her body; he…