Irish Deaf Society has only enough funds to stay open for two months

DEAF people in Cork have raised concerns about the possible closure of the Irish Deaf Society. The Irish Deaf Society (IDS) is facing closure by the end of March if core funding is not secured. A year on since the passing of the Irish Sign Language Act, the organisation that led the campaign for ISL…

Mustafa Alabssi’s incredible journey: Netflix debut the latest feat for deaf Syrian

Alabssi is deaf, and the character he played in the TV series, Black Summer, is deaf, too. Read this article on unapeda website,please click on Mustafa Alabssi’s incredible journey: Nexflix debut the latest feat for deaf Syrian refugee UNAPEDA UNAPEDA The French association of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children L’UNAPEDA est sur…

RTÉ to broadcast signed anthem in full

RTÉ has agreed to broadcast in the full the signed version of the National Anthem before Sunday’s All-Ireland senior football final. The on-pitch performance will be simulcast on RTÉ News Now and will also be reflected in RTÉ’s live pre-match coverage on RTÉ2, the state broadcaster said. Further read at:

Sign language act: Should it be a ‘bigger priority’ than Irish language?

Every morning, County Antrim woman Wendy Newbronner’s first task is waking up her three children. Unlike most parents though, she cannot shout into their rooms and tell them to get up. All her sons are deaf. Mrs Newbronner had to pay to learn sign language after her first child was born, and now supports calls…